Sandro Longo's photo gallery |
Department of Engineering and Architecture (DIA) tel. +39 0521
905157 By-Fellow
of the Churchill College for the Lent Term 2012, Cambridge, UK
Educational PhD days in Hydraulic Engineering |
Petti, M.,
Longo, S., Sadun,
S. and Tirindelli, M., (1999). Swash
zone hydrodynamics on a 1 :10 bottom slope :
laboratory data. Surf and Swash
zone Mechanics (SASME) Report FIUD-01-98, Florence,
Italy. Petti, M.,
Longo, S. and Pasotti, N., (1999).
Swash zone hydrodynamics
on a 1 :5 bottom slope : laboratory data.
Surf and Swash zone Mechanics
(SASME) Report FIUD-02-99, Udine, Italy. Petti, M.,
Longo, S. and Pasotti, N., (2000).
Swash zone hydrodynamics
on a 1 :15 bottom slope : laboratory data.
Surf and Swash zone Mechanics
(SASME) Report FIUD-02-99, Udine, Italy. Petti, M., Longo, S., 2001. Turbulence experiments in the swash zone. Coastal
Engineering, Elsevier,
43/1, 1—24, DOI: 10.1016/S0378-3839(00)00068-5. [full
text 1.2 MB pdf] Longo,
S., Petti, M., Losada, I.J., 2002. Turbulence in the swash and
surf zones: a review. Coastal
Engineering, Elsevier,
45/3-4, 129—147, DOI: 10.1016/S0378-3839(02)00031-5.
text 325 kB pdf] |
Surf and swash zone mechanics — Experiments in Florence, 1999-2000 — |
Longo, S.,
Lamberti, A., 2000. Granular streams rheology and mechanics. Physics and Chemistry
of the Earth (B), Elsevier, 25/4, 375—380,
DOI: 10.1016/S1464-1909(00)00029-0.
[full text 704 kB pdf] Longo, S., Lamberti, A., 2002. Grain
shear flow in a rotating drum. Experiments in Fluids,
Springer, 32/3, 313—325, DOI: 10.1007/s003480100359. [full
text 433 kB pdf] |
flow in a rotating drum —
Experiments in Bologna, 1997 — |
Longo, S., Losada, I.J.,
Petti, M., Pasotti, N. and Lara J., (2001). Measurements
of breaking waves and bores
through a USD velocity profiler. Technical Report UPR/UCa_01_2001, University of Parma, Italy, University of Santander, Spain.[full text 3.3 MB pdf] Longo, S., 2003. Turbulence
under spilling breakers using wavelets. Experiments in Fluids,
Springer, 34/2, 181—191, DOI: 10.1007/s00348-002-0545-1.
text 502 kB pdf] Longo, S., 2009. Vorticity and intermittency
within the pre-breaking region of spilling breakers. Coastal
Engineering, Elsevier,
56, 285—296, DOI: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2008.09.003.
text 1162 kB pdf] |
Breaking waves and bores — Experiments in Santander, 2001 — |
Longo, S., Valiani, A., Lanza, L., 2012. Experiments on the two-dimensional
flow of a grain-water mixture
past a circular cylinder. European Journal of Mechanics
/B Fluids, Elsevier,
36, 139—151, DOI:10.1016/j.euromechflu.2012.04.002,
[full text 2847 kB pdf] Longo, S., Valiani, A., Lanza, L., Liang, D., 2013. Experimental study of the grain-water mixture flow past a cylinder of different shapes. European Journal of Mechanics
/B Fluids, Elsevier,
38, 101—113, DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2012.11.001.
[full text 2.77 MB pdf] Longo, S., Valiani, A.,
2014. Analysis of a boundary layer
of a granular mixture flowing
past a plate at zero incidence. European Journal of Mechanics
/B Fluids, 46, 59—73, DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2014.02.002. [full
text 4.6 MB]. |
flow past a circular cylinder — Experiments in
Ferrara, 2004 - |
click here to download high resolution |
Longo, S., 2010. Experiments
on turbulence beneath a
free surface in a stationary
field generated by a Crump weir: free surface characteristics and the
relevant scales. Experiments in Fluids, Springer, 49, 1325—1338, DOI: 10.1007/s00348-010-0881-5.
text 576 KB pdf]. |
click here to download high resolution |
Longo, S., 2011. Experiments
on turbulence beneath a
free surface in a stationary
field generated by a Crump weir: turbulence
structure and correlation
with the free surface. Experiments in Fluids, Springer, 50, 201—215,
DOI: 10.1007/s00348-010-0921-1.
text 657 KB pdf]. |
Turbulence at the interface as generated by a Crump weir — Experiments in Parma,
2006 - |
L., Longo, S., Bramato, S., Mans,
C., Losada, A.M., 2011. Free-surface turbulence,
Wind generated waves: laboratory data. Technical Report on Experimental Activity in Granada, University
of Parma (Italy), CEAMA (Granada, Spain), [full
text 3.5 MB pdf]. Longo, S., 2012. Wind-generated
water waves in a wind
tunnel: free surface statistics
wind friction and mean air flow properties. Coastal
Engineering, 61, 27—41, DOI: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2011.11.008. [full text
1890 KB pdf]. Longo, S., Liang, D.,
Chiapponi, L., Aguilera Jiménez, L., 2012. Turbulent flow structure in experimental laboratory wind-generated gravity waves. Coastal
Engineering. 64, 1—15, DOI: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2012.02.006.
text 2980 KB pdf]. Longo, S., Losada, M.A., 2012. Turbulent structure of air flow
over wind-induced gravity
waves. Experiments in Fluids, Springer, 53: 369-390, DOI: 10.1007/s00348-012-1294-4.
text 1641 KB pdf]. Longo, S., Chiapponi, L. Clavero,
M., Mäkelä, T., Liang,
D., 2012. Study of the turbulence
in the air-side and water-side boundary layers in experimental laboratory wind induced surface waves. Coastal
Engineering, Elsevier,
69, 67—81, DOI: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2012.05.012.
text 5242 KB pdf]. |
Gravity waves generated in a wind tunnel — Experiments in Granada, 2010 - |
M., Longo, S., Chiapponi, L.,
Mans, C., Losada, A.M., (2010). Grid generated
free-surface turbulence laboratory data. Technical Report on Experimental Activity in Granada, University
of Udine (Italy), University
of Parma (Italy), CEAMA (Granada, Spain). [full
text 1.8 MB pdf]. Chiapponi,
L., Longo, S., Tonelli, M., 2012. Experimental study on oscillating grid turbulence and free surface fluctuation. Experiments in Fluids, Springer, 53, 1515—1531, DOI:10.1007/s00348-012-1367-4.
[ full
text 1.1 MB pdf ] Longo, S., Chiapponi, L., Liang, D., 2013. Analytical study of the water surface fluctuations induced by grid-stirred turbulence. Applied Mathematical Modelling,
Elsevier, 37, 7206—7222, DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2013.02.005.
text 2.0 MB pdf] |
Free surface turbulence generated by a stirring grid - Experiments in Parma,
2009, Experiments in Granada, 2010 - |
Dominguez, F.M., Chiapponi, L., Polo, M.J., Longo, S., (2011). Experiments on
turbulence beneath the free surface generated by an airfoil. University of
Parma, Italy, University of Cordoba, Spain. [full text 3.5 MB pdf]. |
Wake past a hydrofoil NACA 6024, Re
= 16 700, α = 15°
- Experiments in Parma, 2011 - |
Longo, S., Chiapponi, L., Clavero,
M., 2014. Experimental analysis
of the coherent structures
and turbulence past a hydrofoil in stalling condition beneath a water-air interface. European Journal of Mechanics
/B Fluids, 43, 172—182, DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2013.08.007
[full text 2.9 MB pdf]. Longo, S., Domínguez F. M.,
Valiani, A., 2015. The turbulent
structure of the flow field
generated by a hydrofoil
in stalling condition beneath a water-air interface. Experimental Thermal and Fluid
Science, 61, 34—47, DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2014.10.008. [full
text 4.3 MB pdf]. |
Wake past a hydrofoil NACA 6024, Re
= 45 500, α = 19.5°
- Experiments in Parma, 2011 - |
Wake past a triangular cylinder with vertex facing downstream, Re = 106 - Experiments
in progress in Parma,
2012 — |
Longo, S., Di Federico, V., Archetti, R., Chiapponi,
L., Ciriello, V., Ungarish, M., 2013. On the axisymmetric
spreading of non-Newtonian
power-law gravity currents of time-dependent
volume: an experimental and theoretical
investigation focused on
the inference of rheological
parameters. Journal
of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 201, 69—79, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2013.07.008.
[full text 1.5 MB pdf]. |
Longo, S., Di Federico, V., Chiapponi, L., 2015. Non-Newtonian power-law gravity currents propagating in confining boundaries Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 15(3), 515—535, DOI: 10.1007/s10652-014-9369-9. [preprint
1.8 MB pdf]. Longo, S., Di Federico, V., Chiapponi L., 2015. Propagation of viscous gravity currents inside confining boundaries: the effects of fluid rheology and channel geometry. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical
and Engineering Sciences
471: 20150070, DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2015.0070. [preprint
4.3 MB pdf]. Longo, S.,
L., Di Federico, V., 2016. On the propagation of viscous gravity currents of non-Newtonian fluids in channels with varying cross section and inclination. Journal of
Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 235, 95—108, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2016.07.007. [post-print 1.0
MB pdf] |
Gravity currents of non-Newtonian power-law fluids — Experiments in Parma,
2013 - |
Federico, V., Archetti, R., Longo, S.,
2012. Similarity solutions
for spreading of a two-dimensional
non-Newtonian gravity current in a porous layer. Journal
of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Elsevier,
177—178, 46—53, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2012.04.003.
text 958 KB pdf]. Di
Federico, V., Archetti, R., Longo, S.,
2012. Spreading of axisymmetric
non-Newtonian power-law gravity currents in porous media. Journal
of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Elsevier,
189—190, 31—39, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2012.10.002.
[full text 1.0
MB pdf]. Ciriello,
V., Longo, S., Di Federico, V.,
2013. On shear thinning fluid flow induced by continuous mass injection in porous media with variable conductivity. Mechanics Research
Communications, Elsevier, 52, 101—107, DOI:
[full text 1.8 MB pdf] Longo, S., Di Federico, V., Chiapponi, L., Archetti,
R., 2013. Experimental verification
of power-law non-Newtonian
axisymmetric porous gravity currents. Journal of
Fluid Mechanics,
vol. 731, September 2013, R2 (12 pages), DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2013.389, ©2013
Cambridge University Press. Published
online: 20 August 2013.[full text 1.0 MB pdf] Supplementary material [4.7 MB
pdf] Ciriello,
V., Di Federico, V., Archetti, R.,
Longo, S. 2013. Effect of variable
permeability on the propagation
of thin gravity currents in porous media. International
Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 57, 168—175, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2013.07.003. [full
text 800 KB pdf]. Di
Federico, V., Longo, S.,
Chiapponi, L., Archetti, R., Ciriello, V., 2014. Radial
gravity currents in vertically graded porous media: theory and experiments for Newtonian and power-law fluids. Advances in Water Resources,
70, 65—76, DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2014.04.015. [full
text 2.4 MB pdf]. Supplementary material [2.5 MB
pdf] Ciriello,
V., Longo, S. , Chiapponi, L., Di Federico, V. 2014. Porous
gravity currents of non-Newtonian fluids within confining boundaries. In: 7th
Groundwater Symposium IAHR — Procedia Environmental Science,
Elsevier B. V. [full
text 800 KB] Longo, S., Di Federico, V., 2014. Axisymmetric gravity
currents within porous media: first order solution and experimental validation. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 238—247, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.07.003. [full
text 1.55 MB pdf]. Supplementary material [1.6 MB
pdf] Longo, S., Ciriello, V., Chiapponi, L., Di Federico,
V., 2015. Combined effect
of rheology and confining
boundaries on spreading
of gravity currents in porous media. Advances in Water Resources,
79, 140—152, DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.02.016. [full
text 2.7 MB pdf]. Supplementary material [400 KB
pdf] (
DOI: 10.13140/2.1.3215.1843) Longo, S., Di Federico, V., Chiapponi, L., 2015. A dipole solution for power-law gravity currents in porous formations. Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, vol. 778, 534—551, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2015.405, ©2015
Cambridge University Press. [full
text 0.6 MB pdf]. Ciriello,
V., Longo, S., Chiapponi, L., Di
Federico, V., 2016. Porous gravity
currents: a survey to determine the joint influence
of fluid rheology and variations of medium properties.
Advances in Water Resources,
92, 105—115, DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.03.021. [post-print
0.7 MB pdf] Felisa, G., Ciriello, V., Longo, S. & Di Federico, V., 2016.
Non-Newtonian flow in a variable
aperture fracture: effect
of fluid rheology. IDRA16, Conference in Hydraulics and Hydraulics Structures, 14-16 September,
Bologna. [full
text 227 KB] |
Gravity currents of non-Newtonian power-law fluids in porous media — Experiments in Parma, 2013 - |
L., Clavero, M., Losada,
M. A. & Longo, S., 2016.
Regular breaking waves past
a submerged berm.
IDRA16, Conference in Hydraulics and Hydraulics Structures, 14-16 September,
Bologna. [full text 570 KB] Clavero, M., Longo,
S., Chiapponi, L., Losada, M.A., 2016. 3D flow measurements in regular breaking waves
past a fixed submerged bar on an impermeable
plane slope. Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, vol. 802, 490—527, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2016.483, ©2016
Cambridge University Press. [full
text 4.6 MB pdf] |
breaking waves past a fixed bar— Experiments in
Granada, 2013 - |
Longo, S., Ungarish,
M., Di Federico, V., Chiapponi, L., Maranzoni, A.,
2015. The propagation of gravity
currents in a circular
cross-section channel: experiments and theory. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 764, 513—537, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2014.701, ©2015 Cambridge University
Press [fulltext 2.1 MB
pdf]. Supplementary material [380 kB pdf] Longo, S., Ungarish, M., Di Federico, V., Chiapponi,
L., Addona, F., 2016. Gravity currents
produced by constant and
time varying inflow in a circular cross-section channel: experiments and theory. Advances in Water Resources,
90, 10—23, DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.01.011. [post-print 1.0 MB pdf] Addona,
F., Ungarish, M., Di Federico, V., Chiapponi, L. & Longo, S., 2016. Gravity currents in linearly stratified ambient fluid. IDRA16,
Conference in Hydraulics
and Hydraulics Structures,
14-16 September, Bologna. [full text 630 KB] |
Two-layer shallow water
dam-break in circular section
horizontal channels — Experiments in Parma, 2014 - |
Address Dept. of Engineering and Architecture Parco Area delle Scienze, 181/A - 43124 Parma, ITALY Building No. 10 (Map)
ph. +39.0521.905157 |
University of Parma
Via Universita' 12 43121 Parma - ITALY ph. +39 0521 902111
Campus Map |