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Department of Engineering and Architecture (DIA)
University of Parma
Parco Area delle Scienze, 181/A
43124 Parma - Italy


tel. +39 0521 905157
: sandro.longo@unipr.it


By-Fellow of the Churchill College for the Lent Term 2012, Cambridge, UK
Associate Editor for Water Resources Research (AGU)
Associate Editor for the Geoenergy Science and Engineering (Elsevier)
Academic Editor for Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Incipient motion of sediments in a small flume
Interaction of sediments with a large body
Laboratory experiments on sediment transport

PhD days in Hydraulic Engineering
Videos of Marchi Lecture 2019, by A. W. Woods
'Multiphase jets and plumes'





Petti, M., Longo, S., Sadun, S. and Tirindelli, M., (1999). Swash zone hydrodynamics on a 1 :10 bottom slope : laboratory data. Surf and Swash zone Mechanics (SASME) Report FIUD-01-98, Florence, Italy.

Petti, M., Longo, S. and Pasotti, N., (1999). Swash zone hydrodynamics on a 1 :5 bottom slope : laboratory data. Surf and Swash zone Mechanics (SASME) Report FIUD-02-99, Udine, Italy.

Petti, M., Longo, S. and Pasotti, N., (2000). Swash zone hydrodynamics on a 1 :15 bottom slope : laboratory data. Surf and Swash zone Mechanics (SASME) Report FIUD-02-99, Udine, Italy.

Petti, M., Longo, S., 2001. Turbulence experiments in the swash zone. Coastal Engineering, Elsevier, 43/1, 1—24, DOI: 10.1016/S0378-3839(00)00068-5. [full text 1.2 MB pdf]

Longo, S., Petti, M., Losada, I.J., 2002. Turbulence in the swash and surf zones: a review. Coastal Engineering, Elsevier, 45/3-4, 129—147, DOI: 10.1016/S0378-3839(02)00031-5. [full text 325 kB pdf]


Surf and swash zone mechanicsExperiments in Florence, 1999-2000 —

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Longo, S., Lamberti, A., 2000. Granular streams rheology and mechanics. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (B), Elsevier, 25/4, 375—380, DOI: 10.1016/S1464-1909(00)00029-0. [full text 704 kB pdf] 

Longo, S., Lamberti, A., 2002. Grain shear flow in a rotating drum. Experiments in Fluids, Springer, 32/3, 313—325, DOI: 10.1007/s003480100359. [full text 433 kB pdf]


Granular flow in a rotating drumExperiments in Bologna, 1997 —

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Longo, S., Losada, I.J., Petti, M., Pasotti, N. and Lara J., (2001). Measurements of breaking waves and bores through a USD velocity profiler. Technical Report UPR/UCa_01_2001, University of Parma, Italy, University of Santander, Spain.[full text 3.3 MB pdf]

Longo, S., 2003. Turbulence under spilling breakers using wavelets. Experiments in Fluids, Springer, 34/2, 181—191, DOI: 10.1007/s00348-002-0545-1. [full text 502 kB pdf]

  Longo, S., 2009. Vorticity and intermittency within the pre-breaking region of spilling breakers. Coastal Engineering, Elsevier, 56, 285—296, DOI: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2008.09.003. [full text 1162 kB pdf]


Breaking waves and boresExperiments in Santander, 2001 —

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Longo, S., Valiani, A., Lanza, L., 2012. Experiments on the two-dimensional flow of a grain-water mixture past a circular cylinder. European Journal of Mechanics /B Fluids, Elsevier, 36, 139—151, DOI:10.1016/j.euromechflu.2012.04.002, [full text 2847 kB pdf]


Longo, S., Valiani, A., Lanza, L., Liang, D., 2013. Experimental study of the grain-water mixture flow past a cylinder of different shapes. European Journal of Mechanics /B Fluids, Elsevier, 38, 101—113, DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2012.11.001. [full text 2.77 MB pdf]


Longo, S., Valiani, A., 2014. Analysis of a boundary layer of a granular mixture flowing past a plate at zero incidence. European Journal of Mechanics /B Fluids, 46, 59—73, DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2014.02.002. [full text 4.6 MB].


Granular flow past a circular cylinderExperiments in Ferrara, 2004 -

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Longo, S., 2010. Experiments on turbulence beneath a free surface in a stationary field generated by a Crump weir: free surface characteristics and the relevant scales. Experiments in Fluids, Springer, 49, 1325—1338, DOI: 10.1007/s00348-010-0881-5. [full text 576 KB pdf].

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 Longo, S., 2011. Experiments on turbulence beneath a free surface in a stationary field generated by a Crump weir: turbulence structure and correlation with the free surface. Experiments in Fluids, Springer, 50, 201—215, DOI: 10.1007/s00348-010-0921-1. [full text 657 KB pdf].


Turbulence at the interface as generated by a Crump weirExperiments in Parma, 2006 -



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Chiapponi, L., Longo, S., Bramato, S., Mans, C., Losada, A.M., 2011. Free-surface turbulence, Wind generated waves: laboratory data. Technical Report on Experimental Activity in Granada, University of Parma (Italy), CEAMA (Granada, Spain), [full text 3.5 MB pdf].

Longo, S., 2012. Wind-generated water waves in a wind tunnel: free surface statistics wind friction and mean air flow properties. Coastal Engineering, 61, 27—41, DOI: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2011.11.008. [full text 1890 KB pdf].

Longo, S., Liang, D., Chiapponi, L., Aguilera Jiménez, L., 2012. Turbulent flow structure in experimental laboratory wind-generated gravity waves. Coastal Engineering. 64, 1—15, DOI: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2012.02.006. [full text 2980 KB pdf].

Longo, S., Losada, M.A., 2012. Turbulent structure of air flow over wind-induced gravity waves. Experiments in Fluids, Springer, 53: 369-390, DOI: 10.1007/s00348-012-1294-4. [full text 1641 KB pdf].


Longo, S., Chiapponi, L. Clavero, M., Mäkelä, T., Liang, D., 2012. Study of the turbulence in the air-side and water-side boundary layers in experimental laboratory wind induced surface waves. Coastal Engineering, Elsevier, 69, 67—81, DOI: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2012.05.012. [full text 5242 KB pdf].


Gravity waves generated in a wind tunnel — Experiments in Granada, 2010 -




Tonelli, M., Longo, S., Chiapponi, L., Mans, C., Losada, A.M., (2010). Grid generated free-surface turbulence laboratory data. Technical Report on Experimental Activity in Granada, University of Udine (Italy), University of Parma (Italy), CEAMA (Granada, Spain). [full text 1.8 MB pdf].


Chiapponi, L., Longo, S., Tonelli, M., 2012. Experimental study on oscillating grid turbulence and free surface fluctuation. Experiments in Fluids, Springer, 53, 1515—1531, DOI:10.1007/s00348-012-1367-4. [ full text 1.1 MB pdf ]


Longo, S., Chiapponi, L., Liang, D., 2013. Analytical study of the water surface fluctuations induced by grid-stirred turbulence. Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier, 37, 7206—7222, DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2013.02.005. [full text 2.0 MB pdf]


Free surface turbulence generated by a stirring grid - Experiments in Parma, 2009, Experiments in Granada, 2010 -



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Dominguez, F.M., Chiapponi, L., Polo, M.J., Longo, S., (2011). Experiments on turbulence beneath the free surface generated by an airfoil. University of Parma, Italy, University of Cordoba, Spain. [full text 3.5 MB pdf].


Wake past a hydrofoil NACA 6024, Re = 16 700, α = 15° - Experiments in Parma, 2011 -

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Longo, S., Chiapponi, L., Clavero, M., 2014. Experimental analysis of the coherent structures and turbulence past a hydrofoil in stalling condition beneath a water-air interface. European Journal of Mechanics /B Fluids, 43, 172—182, DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2013.08.007 [full text 2.9 MB pdf].

Longo, S., Domínguez F. M., Valiani, A., 2015. The turbulent structure of the flow field generated by a hydrofoil in stalling condition beneath a water-air interface. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 61, 34—47, DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2014.10.008. [full text 4.3 MB pdf].


Wake past a hydrofoil NACA 6024, Re = 45 500, α = 19.5° - Experiments in Parma, 2011 -

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Wake past a triangular cylinder with vertex facing downstream, Re = 106 - Experiments in progress in Parma, 2012 —

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Longo, S., Di Federico, V., Archetti, R., Chiapponi, L., Ciriello, V., Ungarish, M., 2013. On the axisymmetric spreading of non-Newtonian power-law gravity currents of time-dependent volume: an experimental and theoretical investigation focused on the inference of rheological parameters. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 201, 69—79, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2013.07.008. [full text 1.5 MB pdf].



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Longo, S., Di Federico, V., Chiapponi, L., 2015. Non-Newtonian power-law gravity currents propagating in confining boundaries Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 15(3), 515—535, DOI: 10.1007/s10652-014-9369-9. [preprint 1.8 MB pdf].


Longo, S., Di Federico, V., Chiapponi L., 2015. Propagation of viscous gravity currents inside confining boundaries: the effects of fluid rheology and channel geometry. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 471: 20150070, DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2015.0070. [preprint 4.3 MB pdf].

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Longo, S., Chiapponi, L., Di Federico, V., 2016. On the propagation of viscous gravity currents of non-Newtonian fluids in channels with varying cross section and inclination. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 235, 95—108, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2016.07.007. [post-print 1.0 MB pdf]


Gravity currents of non-Newtonian power-law fluidsExperiments in Parma, 2013 -

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Di Federico, V., Archetti, R., Longo, S., 2012. Similarity solutions for spreading of a two-dimensional non-Newtonian gravity current in a porous layer. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Elsevier, 177—178, 46—53, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2012.04.003. [full text 958 KB pdf].


Di Federico, V., Archetti, R., Longo, S., 2012. Spreading of axisymmetric non-Newtonian power-law gravity currents in porous media. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Elsevier, 189—190, 31—39, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2012.10.002. [full text 1.0 MB pdf].


Ciriello, V., Longo, S., Di Federico, V., 2013. On shear thinning fluid flow induced by continuous mass injection in porous media with variable conductivity. Mechanics Research Communications, Elsevier, 52, 101—107, DOI: 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2013.07.006. [full text 1.8 MB pdf]


Longo, S., Di Federico, V., Chiapponi, L., Archetti, R., 2013. Experimental verification of power-law non-Newtonian axisymmetric porous gravity currents. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 731, September 2013, R2 (12 pages), DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2013.389, ©2013 Cambridge University Press. Published online: 20 August 2013.[full text 1.0 MB pdf]

Supplementary material [4.7 MB pdf]


Ciriello, V., Di Federico, V., Archetti, R., Longo, S. 2013. Effect of variable permeability on the propagation of thin gravity currents in porous media. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 57, 168175, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2013.07.003. [full text 800 KB pdf].


Di Federico, V., Longo, S., Chiapponi, L., Archetti, R., Ciriello, V., 2014. Radial gravity currents in vertically graded porous media: theory and experiments for Newtonian and power-law fluids. Advances in Water Resources, 70, 65—76, DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2014.04.015. [full text 2.4 MB pdf].

Supplementary material [2.5 MB pdf]

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Ciriello, V., Longo, S. , Chiapponi, L., Di Federico, V. 2014. Porous gravity currents of non-Newtonian fluids within confining boundaries. In: 7th Groundwater Symposium IAHR — Procedia Environmental Science, Elsevier B. V. [full text 800 KB]

Longo, S., Di Federico, V., 2014. Axisymmetric gravity currents within porous media: first order solution and experimental validation. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 238—247, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.07.003. [full text 1.55 MB pdf].

Supplementary material [1.6 MB pdf]

Longo, S., Ciriello, V., Chiapponi, L., Di Federico, V., 2015. Combined effect of rheology and confining boundaries on spreading of gravity currents in porous media. Advances in Water Resources, 79, 140—152, DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.02.016. [full text 2.7 MB pdf].

Supplementary material [400 KB pdf] ( DOI: 10.13140/2.1.3215.1843)

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Longo, S., Di Federico, V., Chiapponi, L., 2015. A dipole solution for power-law gravity currents in porous formations. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 778, 534—551, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2015.405, ©2015 Cambridge University Press. [full text 0.6 MB pdf].


Ciriello, V., Longo, S., Chiapponi, L., Di Federico, V., 2016. Porous gravity currents: a survey to determine the joint influence of fluid rheology and variations of medium properties. Advances in Water Resources, 92, 105—115, DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.03.021. [post-print 0.7 MB pdf]

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Felisa, G., Ciriello, V., Longo, S. & Di Federico, V., 2016. Non-Newtonian flow in a variable aperture fracture: effect of fluid rheology. IDRA16, Conference in Hydraulics and Hydraulics Structures, 14-16 September, Bologna. [full text 227 KB]


Gravity currents of non-Newtonian power-law fluids in porous media — Experiments in Parma, 2013 -

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Chiapponi, L., Clavero, M., Losada, M. A. & Longo, S., 2016. Regular breaking waves past a submerged berm. IDRA16, Conference in Hydraulics and Hydraulics Structures, 14-16 September, Bologna. [full text 570 KB]

Clavero, M., Longo, S., Chiapponi, L., Losada, M.A., 2016. 3D flow measurements in regular breaking waves past a fixed submerged bar on an impermeable plane slope. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 802, 490—527, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2016.483, ©2016 Cambridge University Press. [full text 4.6 MB pdf]


Regular breaking waves past a fixed bar— Experiments in Granada, 2013 -

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Longo, S., Ungarish, M., Di Federico, V., Chiapponi, L., Maranzoni, A., 2015. The propagation of gravity currents in a circular cross-section channel: experiments and theory. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 764, 513—537, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2014.701, ©2015 Cambridge University Press [fulltext 2.1 MB pdf].

Supplementary material [380 kB pdf]

Video Test 15 [6.3 MB wmw]

Video Test 41 [10.3 MB wmw]


Longo, S., Ungarish, M., Di Federico, V., Chiapponi, L., Addona, F., 2016. Gravity currents produced by constant and time varying inflow in a circular cross-section channel: experiments and theory. Advances in Water Resources, 90, 10—23, DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.01.011. [post-print 1.0 MB pdf]


Addona, F., Ungarish, M., Di Federico, V., Chiapponi, L. & Longo, S., 2016. Gravity currents in linearly stratified ambient fluid. IDRA16, Conference in Hydraulics and Hydraulics Structures, 14-16 September, Bologna. [full text 630 KB]



Two-layer shallow water dam-break in circular section horizontal channelsExperiments in Parma, 2014 -

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Parco Area delle Scienze, 181/A - 43124 Parma, ITALY

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